Miscellaneous Productivity Tools

Here is a small selection of the, literally hundreds, of tools I have written to date. They are designed to solve minor (or major) bottlenecks in a working environment, and offer performance increases throughout a workforce:

GZExporterExtracts Ordnance Survey Mastermap GML data from GZ files, and extracts the geographical data the client has licensed.
  • Housing associations get the cheapest possible deal, because they only need to licence mapping within zones of their properties instead of licensing entire 5-kilometre grid tiles.
  • Individually converts, analyses and licences every point, line and polygon object to see if it intersects the client's chosen areas.
  • Produces files that exactly match the original, with byte-for-byte accuracy, so the resulting GML/GZ files are guaranteed to work with almost every converter on the market.
Address-Layer 2 ExporterConverts Ordnance Survey proprietary Address Layer 2 data into standard human-readable addresses and associated co-ordinates.
  • Processes about 10,000 records per second, so can do the entire UK (29 million records) in about 50 minutes.
  • Has optional support for extra fields.
  • Can split and organise data into grid tiles if required.
  • Can produce linkable files over 4GB in size.
RecompressorRepacks images into more efficient formats. Works with many image types (JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIF, etc).
SeqFixAutomatically fixes suffix sequences in files. For example, if you had files named 0123_045.tif and 0123_47.jpg, they would become 0123_001.tif and 0123_002.jpg respectively. Sorts correctly on all systems with or without leading zeroes in the suffix.
SubSplitSplits files into folders according to the filename. For example, 99_0123_456.tif would be split via the underscore into folder '99' and subfolder '0123'.
CounterGives you various summaries of files, but has extra features like disregarding numeric suffices when performing the count.
FRIFQuick-and-easy search and replace in explorer.
FastXploreSimilar to the usual Windows Explorer file manager, but can browse folders with thousands of subfolders without bottlenecks. Explorer does various automatic checks on subfolders and files within; this program does not until you click them.
FrameCropPerforms various bulk cropping processes on images.

Sequence Fixer Screenshot

SubSplit Screenshot
Simple but Useful Productivity Tools

Note: I cannot sell or offer these products. I wrote them, but I do not hold the copyright. They are here to showcase my capability for a future employer only.