Miscellaneous Productivity Tools
Here is a small selection of the, literally hundreds, of tools I have written to date. They are designed to solve minor (or major) bottlenecks in a working environment, and offer performance increases throughout a workforce:
Name | Description |
GZExporter | Extracts Ordnance Survey Mastermap GML data from GZ files, and extracts the geographical data the client has licensed.
Address-Layer 2 Exporter | Converts Ordnance Survey proprietary Address Layer 2 data into standard human-readable addresses and associated co-ordinates.
Recompressor | Repacks images into more efficient formats. Works with many image types (JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIF, etc). |
SeqFix | Automatically fixes suffix sequences in files. For example, if you had files named 0123_045.tif and 0123_47.jpg, they would become 0123_001.tif and 0123_002.jpg respectively. Sorts correctly on all systems with or without leading zeroes in the suffix. |
SubSplit | Splits files into folders according to the filename. For example, 99_0123_456.tif would be split via the underscore into folder '99' and subfolder '0123'. |
Counter | Gives you various summaries of files, but has extra features like disregarding numeric suffices when performing the count. |
FRIF | Quick-and-easy search and replace in explorer. |
FastXplore | Similar to the usual Windows Explorer file manager, but can browse folders with thousands of subfolders without bottlenecks. Explorer does various automatic checks on subfolders and files within; this program does not until you click them. |
FrameCrop | Performs various bulk cropping processes on images. |
Simple but Useful Productivity Tools
Note: I cannot sell or offer these products. I wrote them, but I do not hold the copyright. They are here to showcase my capability for a future employer only.